Marlene Wagman-Geller

"As far back as I can remember, it was always on my bucket list, even before the term bucket list was coined,
to be a writer. It was a natural progression to want to go from reading books to writing one."

The Dark Mirror (2018)

The Dark  Mirror (2018)
Mar 24, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
  The British National Anthem begins with the words, “God save our gracious queen, long live our noble queen, long may she reign.” As part of her reign, Queen Elizabeth II dominated Canadian currency; however, while her likeness appeared as a result of sovereignty, in 2018, Viola Desmond appeared for the sisterhood as the first non-royal woman to appear alone on Canada’s $10.00 banknote.

More Magical Than a Carriage (1929)

More Magical Than a Carriage (1929)
Mar 22, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“I, Kusama, am the modern Alice in Wonderland.”

      Artists and eccentricities go together: Vincent van Gogh gave his severed ear as a present to a prostitute; Virginia Woolf heard birds sing in ancient Greek, Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a bat. And eccentricity on steroids describes the pop art, polka-dot princess.

Think Different

Think Different
Mar 21, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
Currently, Tesla denotes an electric, controversial car. However, in the nineteenth century the name recalled inventor Nikola Tesla.

Never Pass Into Nothingness

Never  Pass Into Nothingness
Feb 13, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
      Nineteenth-century British poet John Keats wrote “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” The sentiment holds true for the glittery, gorgeous minaudières (bejeweled clutch bags) created by Judith Leiber. To enter a museum that is a kaleidoscope of a love story, a slice of history, and art set amidst magnificent gardens, take the meandering road to The Leiber Collection.

Roe v Roe 1973 (Women Who Launch)

Roe v Roe 1973 (Women Who Launch)
Jan 22, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
Ironically, although the Thirteen Colonies were christened the United States, certain seismic tremors proved divisive. In the nineteenth century, the Gray was pitted against the Blue; in the twentieth century, there was no love lost between the hawks and the doves; in the twenty-first century, pussy-hats faced off against the Trumpites. Another tear in the fabric of the Union launched a movement whose tremors still reverberate.

Fair or Foul (1946)

Fair or Foul (1946)
Jan 15, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
  Hamlet railed at Ophelia, “God has given you one face and you make yourselves another.” Although the Prince of Denmark was anti the art of makeup- what he viewed as female duplicity- the modern day woman who became Estée called cosmetics, “jars of hope.” She pronounced there were no ugly women, just lazy ones.

So Boring (1906)

So Boring (1906)
Jan 08, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
  “God Save the Queen,” The British National Anthem first performed in 1745, employs the lyric, “Send her victorious/Happy and glorious/Long to reign over us…” In contrast, a European crowned head reigned for only twenty-seven days as “The May Queen.”

Not a Dwelling

Not a Dwelling
Jan 04, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

 “From my window I overlooked a pond in which a former butler had drowned himself. As one gloomy day succeeded another, I began to feel a deep sympathy for him.” -Consuelo Vanderbilt upon moving into Blenheim Palace.


Blenheim Palace (opened 1950)

Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England


During the Gilded Age, the mating dance between American heiresses and the British aristocracy replaced matters of the heart with matters of money. In the prosaic process, the daughters of the nouveaux riche received titles; their cash-strapped husbands received an infusion of funds. Downton Abbey’s Cora Crawley was a husband-hunter whose calling was to transform to Lady Crawley. Cora’s nonfictional counterpart was Consuelo Vanderbilt, the chatelaine of Blenheim Palace.

A Facial Attraction (1940)

A Facial  Attraction (1940)
Jan 02, 2025 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

Chapter # 17  A Facial Attraction       (1940)

         In some scenarios, soap operas can play second fiddle to reality, especially when family fortunes and over-sized personalities are part of the dramatis personae. Fact triumphed fiction in the case of a surgically enhanced cat lady, a dynasty with Nazi associations, and a trove of treasures.


Connecticut's Canterbury Tale

Connecticut's Canterbury Tale
Dec 29, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

Prudence Crandall


“My whole life has been one of opposition.”—Prudence Crandall (age eighty-four)


Prudence Crandall Museum (opened 1984)


A 1907 song by Will D. Cobb and Gus Edwards recalls, “School days, school days / Dear old Golden Rule Days.” Not everyone waxes nostalgic about school days, which was the case with the girls who attended the Canterbury Female Boarding School. To enter the Prudence Crandall Museum is to step into a threshold where great courage walked together with great hate.

The Devil's Brew

The Devil's Brew
Dec 27, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“I believe in being everlastingly on the warpath.”

–Carry A. Nation


Carry A. Nation Home & Museum (opened in 1950)

Medicine Lodge, Kansas, the United States


The lyrics to Peter, Paul, and Mary’s folksong held the promise, “If I had a hammer/I’d hammer in the morning/I’d hammer in the evening…” Carry A. Nation’s choice of instrument of social justice was, rather than a hammer, a hatchet. In the Carry A. Nation Museum, one can learn about the activist who was never temperate in terms of the Temperance Movement.

Divine Affection

Divine Affection
Dec 25, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“Art is a tyrant. It demands heart, brain, soul, body…I wed art.” 

–Rosa Bonheur


Château de Rosa Bonheur (opened 2017)

Thomery, France



As she lay dying, Queen Victoria whispered for Turi, her Pomeranian, to be brought to her bed. Another nineteenth century woman who worshipped animals was a French painter. To view her canvasses, to learn about a road less travelled, proceed to the Château Musée Rosa Bonheur.

Much Will be Required (1867)

Much Will be Required (1867)
Dec 23, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“I got my start by giving myself a start.” –Madame C. J. Walker


In William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 29,” the speaker bemoans, “I all alone beweep my outcast state.” In contrast, rather than indulge in a pity party, Sarah Walker turned her misfortune into a fortune, and in the process, she became America’s first female, self-made millionaire.

Mr. Darcy

Mr. Darcy
Dec 16, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

Jane Austen’s House (opened in 1949)

  Chawton, United Kingdom


Jane Austen’s nephew observed of his aunt, “Of events her life was singularly barren, few changes and no great crisis ever broke the smooth current of its course.” Although Jane may have had a seemingly placid existence–she never left England–she nevertheless had her share of sunshine, of storm. 


Semper Fidelis

Semper Fidelis
Dec 11, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

                                                                                                     Semper Fidelis

Lois Wilson



“Hearts understand in ways our minds cannot.”—Lois Wilson


Stepping Stones (opened 1988)

62 Oak Road, Katonah, New York 10536


Visitors migrate to Katonah, New York, for its intriguing name or to scratch a historical itch as the region is dotted with sites ranging from pre-Revolutionary gristmills to Gilded Age mansions. Stepping Stones serves as a shrine to Lois Wilson, the First Lady of Sobriety.

Lois revealed that alcoholism is a cancer that also ravages the addict’s loved ones. The remarkable individual was born in 1891 in Brooklyn Heights, the eldest of six children of Dr. Clark and Matilda Burnham. The family were members of the Swedenborgian faith which counted amongst its followers Helen Keller and Robert Frost. The children attended the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, one of the first American schools to offer kindergarten (German for “Children’s garden”), followed by enrollment in the Quaker Friends School. The Burnhams spent summers in Manchester, Vermont, where the siblings played with Abraham Lincoln’s grandchildren. Robert Todd Lincoln had constructed Hildene, a twenty-four-room mansion, converted to a home museum. In her memoir, Lois Remembers, she described her childhood as “idyllic.”

While summering in Vermont, Lois met a friend of her younger brother, Rogers. Bill Wilson felt that the rich city girl viewed him with condescension. To impress Lois, who spent afternoons sailing on Lake Emerald, Bill outfitted his grandfather’s rickety rowboat with a bed-sheet sail. A gust of wind flung him overboard; caught in the sheet, he looked like a water-borne mummy. Lois rescued Bill—the beginning of a life-long pattern.


Dance All Night (1928)

Dance All Night (1928)
Dec 10, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
Chutzpah is the Yiddish word for guts-the equivalent of the Spanish cajones and the English balls. Whatever the vernacular, it is what an octogenarian with a thick accent possesses in spades.

Thinking Makes It So

Thinking Makes It So
Dec 03, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“Reject hatred without hating.”—Mary Baker Eddy


Mary Baker Eddy Historic House (opened 1931)

8 Broad Street, Lynn, Massachusetts


The most famous bath in history led the ancient Ancient Greek Archimedes to discern whether jewelers had added base metal to King Herod II’s gold crown. After his discovery, Archimedes ran naked through the streets of Syracuse crying, “Eureka! I found it!” Another aha! moment that originated from a watery discovery occurred when Mary Baker Eddy slipped on a patch of ice. An intriguing destination is the Mary Baker Eddy Historic House.

There's No Place

There's  No Place
Nov 30, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

“I am constantly having to make an upheaval for some reason.”

–Sarah Winchester (in a letter to her sister-in-law


How the West was won–or lost– depending on one’s perspective, was determined by who wielded the Winchester Repeating Rifle. The heiress to the company’s fortune, Sarah Pardee Winchester, had a life bookmarked by guilt and guns.


The Shackle of Shanghai

The Shackle of Shanghai
Nov 20, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller

As for what other people think of me, I could worry about that every day, but choose not to.” –Wendi Deng Murdoch

 In 1972, the group Hall and Oates released their song that carried the refrain, “You can rely on the rich man’s money.” The lyric could have applied to Wendi Deng whose “old man” was billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Their relationship could have made copy in the Austrian aristocrat’s tabloid.

The Beautiful and the Damned (1922)

The Beautiful and the Damned (1922)
Nov 17, 2024 by Marlene Wagman-Geller
 In the opening scene of The Graduate, a family friend offered Benjamin Braddock advice, “I just want to say one word to you. Just one word: plastics.” While Mr. McGuire suggested the synthetic held the key to the success for the family of the inventor of plastic, the substance molded a fate that could have sprung from the hand of Hades.